Friday, June 08, 2007

When the Wind Blows

Thank you to everyone who wrote sweet words of welcome for my sister and her family regarding their move back to Oregon. I wish I could tell you that it is all going smoothly, but I can't. The sale of their house in Chicago fell through and it puts everything in a precarious position. Please keep my sister and her family in your thoughts as they deal with this challenge.

My sister's setback and some confusing emotional stuff of my own this week have caught me off guard and really knocked the wind out of me. I tend to pull deep within myself when things trouble me, but my friends aren't allowing me to do that this time. They're dragging me out to see the Yarn Harlot tonight. We're going to start out with dinner at Henry's. (I'm not much of a drinker, but a beer is sounding pretty good right about now.) Then we're going tomake our way over to Powell's to listen to Ms. Pearl-McPhee tell us funny stories about knitting. I'm going to sit and knit with friends and laugh tonight.

That's just what the doctor ordered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Knitters just never let you down, do they? Enjoy!