Friday, July 25, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Today is my 16th wedding anniversary. As I rise before the sun comes up (and those of you who know me well know how unusual that is) I am flooded with memories.
I remember how beautiful my sisters were that day (and you still are, ladies!) Inside, we'll always be three little giggly girls, playing with Barbie dolls and chasing cars.

I remember my brother David walked me down the aisle to give me away.

I remember that fidgety little flower girl-- the niece whose own wedding I just attended last month (and who asked MY daughter to be the flower girl at her wedding). How does time go by so fast?

And looking over these photographs that become grainier every year, I remember the man I married. So strong, so sure.

Today, I remember. Oh, yes, I remember...


Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!!

Elspeth said...

Congratulations! You've got 7 years on me, so I'm glad to see things will be great when we get to our 16th anniversary!

Donna said...

Congratulations! You look so pretty in those pictures! Love the short hair.

Tammy said...

Happy Anniversary!! It gets better each year doesn't it. I love to hear of the double digit anniversaries.

Patti said...

Congratulations. I hope the Count took you out some place nice.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary, Katrina! I loved the pictures, especially where David looks so young. I am happy that you guys are together, that is not so usual nowadays. I love to hear the double digits too. Congratulations! Love, Celia.

Natalie Rush said...

Happy Belated Anniversary!! Lovely picture!!