Monday, July 10, 2006

Now on to the Knitting

Now that Sproutie is feeling better, I will belatedly congratulate Jennifer for correctly guessing the movie line from Postcards from the Edge. I loved the mother/daughter dynamic in this movie, and Meryl Streep and Shirley MacLaine do not fail to deliver fine comedic performances.

The next movie line up for consideration is very, very current. Try this one on for size (if you've been to the movies within the last week, hint hint):

"Hello, Beastie."

Good luck to all.

And now that Sproutie doesn't want me to hold him 24/7 and he's taken more interest in playing with big brother and sissy, I can start knitting again. I'm about an inch away from turning the heel in my second Mock Croc sock. I'm already searching out patterns for my next pair of socks. I haven't decided between the Jaywalkers (MagKnits, Sept 05), Pomatomus (, Winter 05) or Baudelaire from the new issue of Knitty (, Summer 06). What do you all think? (I'm sorry I can't provide links to the patterns for you to click on and see. If you were so inclined, you could find them by doing a search. I don't know why I can't get the hyperlinks to work. It's either a blog thing or a me thing, and smart money is on it being me. Do any of you techno-savvies out there have any suggestions or explanations why I can't link to these patterns? As always, it's much appreciated.)

My love to all.


Jennifer said...

Glad that Sproutie is feeling better!

LavenderSheep said...

I'm guessing it is Pirates of the Carribean 2, since I just went to see it.

msubulldog said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about the penecillin allergy! Glad he's doing well now, though.

I'm going to vote on the Jaywalkers, but only because I want to do them and haven't, yet. :) To be honest, I want to do all those patterns . . . must buy more yarn!