Monday, September 25, 2006

Sock Wars Update # 4

Back from my busy weekend with friends and family. Everyone I talked to about the Sock Wars thought I was nuts. In fact, I guess I talked about it so much that today when the Count got home before me and was looking through our pile of mail, he showed me this bundle and said, "It looks like you just got your socks in the mail."Good thing for me, it was sock yarn, but in its hank form, from Hip Knit's sock club. So I'm still in the tourney. For now.

Because of the hurricane situation and the hostess' inability to email dossiers to everyone, a lot of people have been put in the position of emailing their targets to get their mailing addresses directly. And a lot of these targets have been uncooperative. Shame, shame. In the words of the wise philosopher Earl J. Hickey, karma will bite you...well, you know where.

Fortunately for me, I've got a very cool target named Mamie who is very charming, funny, and forthright with her information. I almost hate to eliminate her. I know, I know, I've been trained to be a professional and not let personal feelings cloud my judgement, but come on, how can you not like someone who doesn't put up with any guff at snobby yarn shops and has the cutest haircut on the planet?

I've been knitting away on my socks of doom:mostly because I had some time to kill (ooh, pun not intended, but it fits) during Girlie's book club meeting at the library today and soccer practice afterwards. The thing is, my heart just isn't that into it. I wanted my target to be evil, or worse yet, boring. But alas, she is neither.

What's a girl to do?


Mommyleek said...

Aahh, it sucks to have to eliminate someone you truly like, doesn't it? Bummer. Maybe if you throw some chocolate in with the socks it'll make defeat seem a little easier to accept?

LavenderSheep said...

Maybe it is a ploy to keep her from being eliminated. The cuteness is just a distraction =)

Jennifer said...

Maybe she's in over her head and wants to be put out of her misery. It could be true!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm totally dead. In a moment of madness I considered calling into work today. I think they would have fired me though because I wouldn't have had a "good excuse." It is a totally plausible excuse to me though! darn work! :(

Plum Texan said...

In the interest of cheering on my dear Sea Anemone, I am here to testify that the kick-a**ery is NOT a ploy. She is indeed cute and funny and outspoken, and should be a hard target.

(Is it working? :) )

Though I will say, in all fairness, that you seem pretty nifty yourself!

msubulldog said...

All's fair in socks & war, I say. (though she does have quite an enjoyable blog!) Congrats on cranking out those socks. *I love "My Name is Earl", by the way. So freakin' hilarious! Joy just steals the show. :)